2016 WDSF European Latin Rimini | Trailer


09 July 2016

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Originally planned to be held in Paris, FRA, in spring, the 2016 European finally takes place in the heat of the summer and a famous coastal resort in Italy. Benvenuto a Rimini! As a consequence of the terrorist attacks on 13 November 2015, the Paris organisers reported that they were not able to comply with the enhanced security measures imposed by the national government and renounced from hosting the championship. That's when the Italian DanceSport Federation FIDS offered to include it into its flagship event "Sportdance 2016," a sort of Italian Open that gathers some 35,000 dancers for eight days of national and international competitions in a multitude of DanceSport disciplines. The 71 Latin couples dancing the European on 9 July were easily accommodated. Produced by the WDSF Communications team in collaboration with the host broadcaster Provinciali and the Italian DanceSport Federation.

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